Wedding & Event Tips


If you are planning a wedding or an event, there will be lots on your mind, however with a little preparation you can easily get the best skin possible.

Whether you have months to go or just 2 weeks, a few gentle changes can really boost how you look and feel.

Look at your skin and think about what you would like to achieve. Do you want to clear up any breakouts? Tackle any tiredness or maybe just look refreshed and glowing for that big event?

Probably one of the easiest steps you can take is to ditch the caffeine and increase your water intake. This is so simple and really effective as most skin problems can be helped by improving your levels of hydration.

I also recommend adding rose water to your face oils. My personal night time routine involves mixing rose water to a cold-pressed base oil (such as avocado, rosehip, argan or sea buckthorn) at a ratio of 50:50. I simply mix the rose water into the oil, you can do this in a separate pot or by using the palm of your hand as a saucer and your finger as a spatula, the two will be more or less evenly distributed, then massage into your skin.

Planning and organising can be stressful and this often shows in your skin. Try and take some time out for yourself and look for ways to relax in your daily life. Start your day with a 10 minute meditation, focusing on your breath. Book regular classes or massages, complementary therapies are a great way to re-balance and calm your mind.

Simple changes to your eating habits can also give glowing results. It might not be necessary to overhaul your diet but just by adding extra fruits and vegetables you will be increasing levels of antioxidants and vitamins which can combat damage and help to protect your skin health. Take your pick from blueberries, apples, pomegranate and citrus fruits, with vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale and carrots.

Finally of course, the ideal beauty boost will come from facial treatments to deep cleanse and reveal new fresh skin in time for the big day. Combining with these with a skin loving diet will ensure you are radiant both inside and out.

If you need any advice please drop me a line.

The Facial Goddess