How to Keep Your Self-Care Routine Going While Starting a Side Hustle

How to Keep Your Self-Care Routine Going While Starting a Side Hustle

Self-care can take a backseat on your list of priorities when launching a new side hustle. The activities you neglect to focus on earning more money could be the routines you need to stay productive and endure in your new gig. Use these suggestions by Donna Ryan at The Facial Goddess to make room for self-care while starting a side hustle.


You Need Your Sleep

Without sufficient rest, you’ll burn out quickly and lack the energy to give your best to your gig and your traditional job. Create a realistic schedule that prioritizes necessary tasks while leaving room for relaxation. A fitness tracker and your physician can help you determine your optimal sleep cycle and identify any activities or routines that disrupt your sleep.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the day to get a restful night’s slumber. Regular exercise improves your sleep but not if you do it too late in the day. You can’t avoid using devices, but try to put them away an hour or two before bed.  As you approach evening, use blue light glasses to reduce eye strain and prevent sleep disruption.


Disorganisation Can Set You Back

MYMOVE points out that clutter creates anxiety and frustration, making you less productive and decreasing your joy and odds of business success. Staying organised is a challenge while juggling your side hustle and other responsibilities. For example, you may have to track inventory in addition to responding in a timely fashion to customer inquiries.


Organising paperwork by digitising documents is also a good idea. By digitising your documents, you can access your files from anywhere. Simply scan them or use your phone to take pictures, then combine them into a single easy-to-access PDF. If you want to make some changes like splitting pages, you can split a PDF with this tool in just five easy steps. Splitting a PDF is sometimes desired when you want to create separate files to both reduce file size for sharing and updating certain parts of the documents.


Vices Are Your Enemy

When you finally have time to unwind at the end of the day or week, you may be tempted to cut loose completely. Smoking, overindulging in alcohol, and gorging yourself on unhealthy foods will wreck your body and demeanour. Cone Health notes that alcohol slows your immune system, leaving you more susceptible to illness. Circulatory and digestive problems start as nuisances and can progress to severe disease. Have fun and relax in your free time, but don’t overdo it.


Remember to Exercise

Starting a side hustle is beneficial in many ways, but it also means you’ll be a bit busier as you handle business matters. One area that may fall to the wayside is physical fitness. Be sure your exercise regimen continues in some fashion, including working out at home. Even if you don’t have a lot to invest in a home gym, you can get in some good cardio and strength training with low-cost equipment like resistance bands and a step machine. Before purchasing any workout products, read up on expert product reviews and recommendations to ensure you’re getting a good buy.


Hired Help Can Boost Your Wealth and Well-Being

Once money starts rolling in, you want to hold on to it as much as possible. Invest in business systems, procedures, and people who can help you earn more money and relieve responsibilities. Calculate your worth per hour and identify activities where adding help boosts your profitability. Search for freelancers that can efficiently accomplish income-generating activities. Freelancer websites allow you to review the work of experienced contractors worldwide to find someone who can fill your needs and fit your budget.


Negative People Have No Room in Your Life

Toxic relationships sap your energy and distract you from more important things. Cut off negative people respectfully but firmly. Define the relationship, so you understand why it’s damaging and won’t feel tempted to give one more try to a hopeless situation. Don’t imagine that you can change the person. Prepare for the conversation by writing what you intend to say and imagining possible responses. Get to the point without being harsh and establish clear boundaries.


Side hustling and self-care can and should coexist. Schedule time for recharging and organising your life to preserve your body and mind for more money-making.


Image via Pexels

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