Natural Beauty Brands



As the days get shorter and temperatures colder, our skin needs extra care more than ever. The Celtic festival of Samhain is the beginning of the darkest period of the year but a powerful time to set new intentions or goals. Some, call this the “real” new year so embrace this darker period and use it as a time for tuning in to what you really want.

Natural Beauty Brands 

High quality natural skincare can really bring out the best in your skin. Botanical extracts and essential oils work in harmony with our bodies and can help enhance the effects of my facial treatments, so I use the most natural products for my skin and yours.

When I found Suti skincare in a health-food store in Haslemere. I knew I was onto something great. They use the energy of crystals, reiki and the moon. I regularly use their products in my facials because of the great ingredients but also for the good intention that goes into them. I especially love the Rose Water Organic Facial spritz. Prepared with beautiful delicate rose petals, this helps harmonise your skin’s moisture balance and a spritz can be used to set your makeup.

I’ve discovered a new brand called Evolve beauty, who have a range of simple organic remedies, based on plant oils and essences. One of my favourites is their Cleansing Melt, with a fantastic texture that transforms from oil to cream when you add water. This delicious melt is made with African baobab oil, organic vanilla and rose and cleanses very softly to leave you with smooth, radiant skin.

For make up, I use Inika organic which are very pure and allow the skin to breathe. The pigments and minerals in this range are gentle for the skin and can be used to create so many wonderful dramatic or natural looking colour effects.
My favourite lipsticks are by Antipodes, who you might know for their skincare, but actually have a great line in make up too. Their lipsticks are rich and vibrant, and almost good enough to eat.

All of these products can be purchased online, at Planet Organic or Wholefoods.

Natural can be fantastic and loves your skin, so please, give these a try and remember to set those new intentions.